Friday 7 December 2012

Plot Outline - WIP

A Battle of Mimes
Initial Ideas

The screen fades in to the sound of applause as one mime enters the stage from the left confidently.

He takes a bow.

He cups his ear to the audience then raises his arms for more applause. He gestures at a second mime entering the stage from the right.

The second mime takes a bow.

The second mime begins to walk toward the second, but looks shocked as he encounters an invisible wall in the middle of the stage.

He begins to explore the wall with his hands.

The first mime runs over and joins him in examining the wall.

The second mime walks away from the wall towards the audience, shrugging.

He looks confused and scratches his head.

The first mime continues examining the wall. He leans against the wall, and pushes against it, as he gestures to the audience crudely to watch what he is doing.

The second mime turns back towards the wall, catching the first mime attention seeking.

He sighs and rolls his eyes.

He walks over to the wall, the first mime still playing with it.

He kicks the invisible wall over; the first mime is now holding the wall up trying not to be crushed.

The second mime laughs as the first mime struggles to get from beneath the invisible wall.

He gets invisible balls out of his pockets and begins to juggle them, ignoring the first mime.

The second mime gets free and storms off to the left, facing away from the second mime.

As he turns his head to look at the second mime he notices one of the invisible juggling balls he has dropped rolling towards him.

He picks the ball up and throws it at the second mime.

The second mime is hit in the face, and drops the rest of his balls.

He looks down at the dropped balls furiously.

The first grins at the audience smugly, pointing at the second mime as they applaud the chaos on stage.

The second mime scoops up several of the balls off the floor and starts throwing them at the first mime.

The first mime picks up an invisible baseball bat off the floor.

He hits one of the balls into the audience. Both mimes watch as the ball flies into the audience.  

They wince as they think they may have hit something important.

The first mime wipes his brow in relief.

He proceeds to chase the second mime off stage to the right with the invisible bat.

He returns to centre stage thinking he has won and takes a bow.

Suddenly he runs off stage to the left, looking behind him as if he is being chased.

The second mime returns to the stage and whistles in the direction of the first mime.

He pets an invisible dog, laughing.

He takes a final bow and signals the other mime to join him as the audience go applaud.

Credits roll.

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Introduction to Project

For my project I aim to make a 1-2 minute long animated short from start to finish, with emphasis on quality character animation. The story for my short will revolve around two mimes. Tired of living in each other’s shadows, they begin to compete for their audience’s attention. When tempers rise they end up in a mime based fight, they accidentally perform their best ever show.

To assist the creation of my animated short I have created a Gantt Chart to organise my time (seen below). As my project evolves this may be subject to change.