Tuesday 22 January 2013

Environment Design - Idea development

I began experimenting with different design ideas for my environment. The first thing I decided to consider was what stage curtain style to use. From the reference I retrieved on my moodboard I came up with the following initial designs.

I really liked the draped top curtain from the bottom left design, however I thought that the gold tassels on the top left and bottom right designs looked a lot better than the cloth curtain ties. I also thought the three layered approach from the bottom would be better. Not only does it look nicer but it will be more practical so that I can have the curtains open easily at the beginning of the short.

I also considered a few different lighting fixture types I could use to light the scene. Namely a few different types of spotlight and some ground lights. To decide how I wanted my stage to be lit I thought it best to experiment with several different set ups.

Out of these designs my favourite by far is the bottom left. However for my final design I will likely incorporate a second spot light like in the top left design, so that I can have both characters in spotlights when they are not near each other. I may also add a less intense version of the overhead lighting used in the bottom right design just to add a nice back light to the animation.

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