Tuesday 22 January 2013

Plot Outline

A Battle of Mimes

The screen fades in to reveal a closed stage curtain.

A drum rolls and a spotlight shines centre stage as a mime act is introduced.

The spotlight reveals the silhouetted figures behind the curtain. The figures are shown to be arguing with each other as they are unaware of their visible silhouettes.

As the introduction draws to an end the silhouettes quickly stop arguing and face the audience.

The stage curtains open to reveal two mimes, one large and athletic, and the other short and unfit.

Both of the mimes walk forwards towards the audience.

They stop suddenly as they reach an invisible wall.

They begin to explore the wall with their hands.

The athletic mime follows the wall stage right, before following it around a corner.

Further exploring the wall he discovers a door.

He reaches for the door handle.

He opens the door and looks ecstatic as he sees something over to the other side of the stage.

As he enters the door the smaller mime runs to follow.

As the smaller mime arrives at the door it is slammed shut in his face.

He braces himself in anger before going through.

The athletic mime gestures to the smaller mime and points excitedly to what he has found on the floor.

The smaller mime looks at him, unimpressed.

The athletic mime bends down and starts to rise what he has discovered to be an invisible barbell.

As he slowly raises the weight above his head he looks out to the audience smiling. It is clear he is impressed with himself.

The smaller mime rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

The athletic mime puts the weight back on the floor. The smaller mime storms over.

The smaller mime bends over, grasping the weight. He looks up at the athletic mime resentfully.

He tries to lift it but can’t.

As he continues to strain over the weight, the athletic mime laughs at him.

He storms off in frustration.

As he is walking away he stumbles, nearly falling.

He looks down and a grin appears across his face.

He bends down and picks up an invisible ball.

He looks at it in his hand mischievously; he then throws it at the athletic mime.

The athletic mime is revealed to again be lifting the weight. Hit by the ball, he drops it.

He gestures down at the dropped weight furiously, but his anger is interrupted as he has to dodge more balls thrown by the small mime.

He quickly grabs an invisible bat off the floor and bats one of the balls away.

Both mimes look out to the audience.

They wince as they fear they may have hit something with the ball.

The athletic mime turns his attention back to the smaller mime.

The smaller mime looks scared.

He is chased off stage by the bat wielding athletic mime.

The athletic mime resumes centre stage and flexes, thinking he has won.

Suddenly he starts running off stage panicked.

The smaller mime returns to centre stage.

He whistles in the direction in which the athletic mime ran off.

After a few seconds he laughs as he begins to pet an invisible dog.

He turns to the audience and takes a bow.

The curtains close.

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